Feedback from HiHFAD in Syria

27th August 2020

Sometimes the feedback takes a little while to come through, but when it does… On 18th February 2020, 160 Aquaboxes left our depot bound for Hand in Hand for Aid and Development (HiHFAD) in Birmingham, and then onwards to refugee camps in Syria.

HIH Syria DistributionIn the interim period we have maintained email contact with our HiHFAD partner. Customs and other bureaucratic procedures created delays as is all too often the case, and as a result we had not received any pictorial evidence of how our aid has been used until 27th August, but goodness it was worth the wait!

Thanks to the wonderful support for Aquabox by HiHFAD, the boxes have all been distributed in refugee camps and are being used to help support the people there. Teams of aid workers carried the boxes to tents and then gave full instruction on how to correctly use and maintain the all-important water filters.

Together our aid will have reached over 160 families and has the capacity to provide safe water for drinking and washing for 1000 people.

Watch the video here.

We hope to be able to provide more support in the same way soon.