24th September 2019
Three years ago, a RotaKids ‘swarm’ was created in the 240+ pupil Biggar Primary School in South Lanarkshire. (Just in case you are wondering, a swarm in this school means a committee, and when you read on you will see just how appropriate this title is for the wonderful busy bees in the school.)
Not long after the group started, a RotaKids event was held in Livingston where an Aquabox filter demonstration was organised courtesy of our loyal and long-standing Aquabox Ambassador, John Brown.
The children were enchanted and inspired by what they saw (‘How can you get clean water from a dirty puddle?’) and set themselves a target to raise enough money to buy a Family Filter (£25). It soon became clear this was going to be exceeded by some way. A £600 total was reached before Christmas!
This was indeed a magnificent achievement for a small rural school, but these amazing RotaKids didn’t stop there – oh no! All kinds of fund raisers were organised over the following two terms. Mike Chad, member of the Rotary Club of Biggar, was even visited at home by a small group of pupils bearing homemade cakes for sale. How could he refuse?
Lastly, as a grand finale, the RotaKids organised a sponsored up-hill walk. Through the advertising of this event, the Aquabox message spread to the wider community.
At the end of all this wonderful effort, determination and imagination, Aquabox received a cheque for £2,681.71, one of our highest single donations. I am staggered and very moved by the efforts of these young people and believe it to be an amazing testimony to the power of youth. Our thanks go to Biggar Primary School Headteacher Heather Graham, Class Teacher Gemma Barr, Aquabox Ambassador, John Brown and local Biggar Rotarians Mike Chad and Stewart Houston for their support in the school.
In recognition of their achievements, the RotaKids ‘swarm’ were presented with a Thank You certificate from Aquabox (pictured left).
Perhaps the most fitting way to end this article is with a quote from teacher Gemma Barr. ‘I am super proud of my RotaKids swarm, other children in the school, the local community and our local Biggar Rotary Club who helped us reach our amazing total in support of Aquabox.’
A HUGE thank you on behalf of Aquabox!
Roz Adamson – Deputy Chair of Trustees