Addressing the need for clean water

Clean drinking water, sanitation and good hygiene are essential to our health, yet millions of people around the world do not have access to these basic services.

<p>People in the world – about one in eight – do not have access to clean water.</p>
884 million

People in the world – about one in eight – do not have access to clean water.

<p>Children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation.</p>

Children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation.

<p>Of schools, globally,  do not have clean water and lack adequate toilets facilities.</p>

Of schools, globally, do not have clean water and lack adequate toilets facilities.

These statistics are alarming

Whenever a disaster strikes, whether it is natural or man-made, there is always an urgent need to provide safe drinking water to those affected. Water supplies are often severely affected in the aftermath of a disaster. Water pipes may be destroyed or the water supply will be contaminated with water from sewage and drains.

In these circumstances people have no choice but to collect water from available local sources, such as streams, rivers and wells. Such water is often contaminated and unsafe to drink. Water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio will spread rapidly and will affect particularly the more vulnerable young and older members of a community.

Aquabox meets the challenge of providing clean safe drinking water in times of crisis by sending our Family filter and  Community filter to those most affected. A Family filter can deliver up to half a million litres of clean drinking water and a Community filter over 1 million litres of clean drinking water over its working life.

Please help us to continue our work and help those in need. You can donate securely online, send a cheque, or make regular payments through your bank.

Thank you for your support.

How you can help

Whether you’re able to give time or money, your support means we can get clean drinking water to even more of the people who need it. These are just some of the ways you can support Aquabox.

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