26th October 2018
Every month there is a quiz in the Winster village hall, to have fun but also to raise money for local groups and charities. On Friday 26th October Aquabox volunteer Geoff Lester is organising one for Aquabox, with Geoff and his wife asking the questions.
The quiz takes place at the The Burton Institute (Village Hall), West Bank, Winster, Derbyshire, DE4 2DQ and starts at 7.30pm.
Teams of about 6 people are invited to enter (this is not strictly followed and smaller groups often do join up), and it would be really great if we could have one or more teams of Aquabox volunteers and supporters there on the night.
There will be 9 rounds, each on a different theme (for example there might be one on Derbyshire landmarks), with a joker played on one to earn you double the score. There is a trophy for the winning team, and a few small prizes (humorous rather than valuable). With the entry fee of £3 and the raffle, the quiz usually makes something in excess of £100 for the group in question. Bring your own wine, beer, crisps etc and donations of raffle prizes are always welcome.
At the start of the evening Geoff intends to give a brief demonstration of the marvelous Aquabox Family Filter pump, and hopes to make everyone gasp by drinking a glass of muddy water – filtered of course!
Then come the questions, which we guarantee will be friendly and down-to-earth…